Britney Spears Drama Never Ends

This Britney Spears saga seems to be never ending. The judge in the K.Fed/Spears custody case has released documents basically stating a lot of stuff we've already talked about.
One of the documents says, "Based on its investigation to date, it should be noted that DCFS (Department of Children and Family Services) has concerns of its own regarding the safety and welfare of the children if the children are left in the mother's care."
The DCFS also told the court that they "request that the father maintain custody, that the mother's visitation remain monitored, and that the mother continue to drug test, attend counseling and parenting classes, and that the mother undergo and evaluation" until their investigation is complete.
People don't seem to want to help Britney Spears. All they want to do is criticize on her parenting skills and talk a lot of shit. The girl barely goes out these days and spends all the time she is allowed by caring for her kids. I think it's time we give her the break she desperately needs.